Sunday, January 17, 2010

Long Night Ahead

So, i just woke literally. My body is very clearly on an extremely awkward schedule. I work 3rd shift and I go to school during the day. So...I pretty much just catch up on sleep when I can.

I work tonight from 7pm-7am.  FUNtimes, lol.  Sometimes I dont mind going to work because it gives me a chance to clear my head and a few blocks of time to study.  Working in the PICU is an interesting event in itself.  I see alot, learn a lot, hear alot. But it can also be a HUGE pain in the butt. But its not the work thats a pain...but people...certain people.  I know, I know...people should not be an issue. And usually they are not...but every now and again I get sucked into the drama.  SIGH.  I know, all I need to do is change my mindset...change my world..yada yada

Anyway, Im about to give Dinah a bath. She desperately needs to be dumped in some clean water right about now. 

Then, I will race the clock to clean up the house, throw a load of clothes in the washer, get ready for work, pack my school bag so I can study tonight, feed Dinah, and then leave in enough time that I can stop at Chipolte before i head to work. Yes...this is pretty much the rundown of many of my busy days. Chipolte is always squeezed in though, lol.

So off i face this long night.

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