Monday, February 15, 2010


Have you ever sat still long enough to listen? To the voice that speaks within? The sound of your soul crying out for something?

Everybody has different belief patterns. Some claim to have no belief (which I could argue is a belief in itself). But, I wholeheartedly believe that we all crave a connection with our creator (and if you feel you do not have a creator...what are u craving a connection with?). At some point you may feel a tug...a yearning for something more than what you can see with your eyes. For something more than what you can read in a book. Something outside of what is natural...something supernatural.  Well friends...this is what I am feeling right now. As i sit here at work living, breathing, with cells creating, and neurons firing...I know there is a God bigger than me watching me...and marveling at his creation.

A lot of people do not know this, but over my lifetime I have went through many different belief patterns. When you have such a curious and technical mind it is VERY easy to question everything. I grew up in church...but I always questioned what I saw...I always wondered why certain things did not line up. And I still do. I went through a period where I could not understand a God that would allow me to go through so much pain. I couldnt trust a god that would let me suffer. So there were times when I went my own way...I did everything I could to make myswelf feel independent from this God that I felt was not living up to what I thought he should be. But, it didnt work. You can only ignore your soul for so long before you are deafened by its screaming. I know quite a few people who are atheist or believe in some version of its principles. And, quite frankly I understand some of their arguments. But I can 100% say that I ONLY feel complete when I acknowledge God in my life. True freedom (for me) lies in God. Period.

And many people will find that until they acknowledge that voice within them that is demanding attention....they will always be uncomfortable. They will never feel complete. That voice will not go away...and even though you try to ignore it...your heart is listening and waiting for you to make up your mind to respond.

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