Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First day of Med...PASS!

Today was our 4th week of clinicals.  It was also the first time that we have been allowed to pass medication to our patients.  And its wayyy overrated. Given, passing meds is a HUGE safety risk. Everyday in hospitals everywhere patients swallow the wrong pill, take the wrong dose, and suffer severe hypertensive reactions. And that's from the hands of registered nurses!! So imagine the risk of a brand spankin new nursing student...yeah HUGE liability. And huge responsibility. And I dont take that for granted.

So, scanned my patients wristband, told her what i was giving her, she popped the pill and I went on my merry little way. I came back to help her get washed up and asked her if she wanted the TV on...and it was no surprise that she did. The elderly usually love daytime TV. Ya know, shows like The Price is Right or Golden Girls. But not her. She stopped at the Jerry Springer Show and immediately went into a elaborate story about Jerry being from cincinnati (which I didnt know) and how she had known him before he was famous. She also talked about his "checkered past" which, from the wink she gave me, I gathered she had a small appearance in. Then she talked about his mistake of buying a call girl with a credit card. Apparently, men should NEVER buy a call girl with a credit card or personal check. Cash only. Makes sense to me I guess. As I helped her put on a new gown she rivaled at the fabric saying it was very "Dior-like". I responded, "Dior as in Christain Dior?" And she responded "well yes...who else would I be talking about?" I just smiled and let her ramble on about how the hospital gowns silhouette was suggestive of an early Dior design.

Ahhhh I love the elderly. They can be quite the storyteller as they dive back into their youth with some truth and many exaggerations. But Im really just happy she took her medication

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