Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mountain Dew what did you DO to me?!

I overdosed on mountain dew last really I did.
Okay, maybe overdosed is not the right nomenclature. Perhaps I should say I misdosed? Oh...wait no. The dosing was correct...the timing was off.

Initially, I was going to stay up a little later than usual to get in some additional studying for my exam next week. So I inhaled (i.e.drank I don't sniff Mdew, lol) 20+ ounces to give myself a buzz of caffeine and sugar to stay alert and focused. However, my body somehow canceled that plan and I fell asleep...with a stomach full of toxic Mdew (yes, we all know its pretty toxic).

I tossed, turned, and hallucinated the ENTIRE night. You ever feel like you are asleep but awake at the same time? That is kinda what it felt like. I imagine that people "see" aliens during this type of state, because the mind is dreaming but the senses are still wired. I didn't see any aliens but I was convinced my alarm clock was gunshots! The worst part is that I had clinicals this morning so I drove to class feeling hungover and nauseous.

Oh Mdew how I love you....but we have to work out a different understanding in our relationship. You cannot keep hurting me like this. Sigh....I may have to leave you for coffee...I know, I know...I've been there and done that. But lets face made my body feel better...I know, low blow. Okay...ill put it like this.  I just need something different. My body is pretty sensitive and you are really aggressive on my system. You need someone who can handle you. Its not you...its me.

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